Are you getting sick?!?!?!?! No…it’s just my allergies. How often are you hearing this conversation (or saying it yourself!?) Spring is in full swing and with it comes all the sneezing and itchy eyes, for you humans at least. How often are you hearing yourself yell Fluffy…STOP LICKING!!!!!. Or listening to your furry housemate at 1am chewing…on himself? We your furry housemates are not immune to the ravages of pollen in the air. We just show it differently! WE ITCH!!! Often causing secondary skin infections because we just can’t stop! The good news….the folks at my hospital can help! We can help manage the itch, the annoying chewing and constant licking. Unfortunately just like in people, allergies can’t be cured, but we can help! And the sooner we can help the better the chance of avoiding those nasty secondary infections that make everyone’s life miserable. So come in now, STOP THE ITCH so everyone can get a good night sleep!